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What is Staking-as-a-Service?

Jon Ganor
Jon Ganor
What is Staking-as-a-Service?
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  • Staking as a Service (SaaS) allows users to delegate node operations to a third-party operator

  • SaaS providers charge a fee and offer additional features

  • SaaS providers help to mitigate risks associated with staking

  • Using a SaaS provider introduces additional counterparty risk, so it's important to research and choose reputable providers

  • Factors to consider when choosing a SaaS provider include open source, audited, bug bounty, battle-tested, permissionless, and self-custody
  • Solo staking offers higher rewards and full control over validator node, but requires technical expertise and comes with increased risks

Introduction to Staking-as-a-Service

Ethereum's transition to proof-of-stake or PoS has been a long-awaited and highly anticipated upgrade that brought significant improvements to the network. However, the Ethereum transition to proof-of-stake came with strict requirements for validators. These requirements include a significant amount of cryptocurrency staked as collateral, a reliable 24/7 internet connection, and the risk of being slashed for misbehavior or violating network rules.

The risks of slashing are significant, and validators must take steps to avoid them. They can keep their node updated, stay online and active, and monitor their node's performance. 

To meet these requirements, many validators have turned to liquid staking derivative or LSD platforms and staking-as-a-service providers. 

What is Staking as a Service?

Staking as a Service (SaaS) is a service that allows users to deposit their own funds for a validator but delegate node operations to a third-party operator. This means that users do not have to worry about the technical aspects of running a validator node. These aspects include setting up and maintaining the hardware and software and keeping the node up-to-date.

SaaS providers typically charge a fee for their services, but this can vary depending on the provider. Some providers also offer additional features, such as insurance against slashing or downtime.

Using a SaaS provider to stake your ETH can be less time-consuming and technically demanding than running your own validator node. SaaS providers can also help to mitigate some of the risks associated with staking, such as slashing and downtime.

However, using a SaaS provider introduces additional counterparty risk. This means that users are trusting the provider with their funds and validator keys. It is important to thoroughly research different SaaS providers before choosing one, and only use providers that have a good reputation.

How Does Staking-as-a-Service Work?

The process typically involves generating keys and making a deposit of 32 ETH, then uploading your signing keys to the operator. The operator then takes care of operating your validator on your behalf, usually for a monthly fee. 

How are Staking-as-a-Service Providers Different?

When it comes to staking-as-a-service providers, there are several key differences that set them apart from one another. 

Open Source

One of the most important factors to consider is whether or not the provider is open source. Open source providers allow for greater transparency and community involvement in the development process. 


Audited providers have undergone third-party security audits to ensure their systems are secure and reliable. 

Bug Bounty

Bug bounty programs are another important factor to consider, as they incentivize security researchers to find and report any vulnerabilities in the system.

Battle Tested

Providers that are battle-tested have already been put through their paces in live environments, giving them an edge in terms of reliability and performance. 


Permissionless providers allow for anyone to participate in staking, while those with execution and consensus diversity offer greater flexibility and resilience in the face of changing market conditions. 

Self Custody

Finally, self-custody is an important factor to consider for those who want to maintain control over their assets. By choosing a staking-as-a-service provider that offers self-custody, users can ensure their funds remain under their own control.

Staking-as-a-Service vs. Solo Staking 

SaaS providers offer several advantages, including a lower barrier to entry, convenience, and mitigate risks. With SaaS, you do not need to have technical expertise or run your own validator node. Instead, the provider takes care of all the technical aspects of running a validator node, which can save you a lot of time and hassle. Additionally, some providers offer insurance against slashing to help mitigate some of the risks associated with staking.

However, using a SaaS provider does come with some drawbacks. One of the main concerns is counterparty risk. With some SaaS providers, you trust them with your ETH and validator keys. In these cases, if the provider is hacked or goes bankrupt, you could lose your ETH. Additionally, SaaS providers typically charge a fee for their services, which can reduce your staking rewards.

On the other hand, solo staking offers higher rewards and full control over your validator node. With solo staking, you earn all the staking rewards for yourself, which means you can earn more than you would by using a SaaS provider. Furthermore, you have full control over your validator node, which means you can choose which software to use and how to configure your node.

However, solo staking also comes with some drawbacks. It requires you to have technical expertise and run your own validator node, which can be a barrier to entry for some users. Additionally, solo staking requires more time and effort than using a SaaS provider, as you must set up and maintain your validator node and keep it up-to-date. Finally, solo staking comes with increased risks, such as slashing and downtime. If you make a mistake or your node goes offline, you could lose some of your ETH.


Staking as a service is likely to remain a popular way to stake ETH in the future. SaaS providers offer a convenient and accessible way for users to participate in staking without the technical expertise and hassle of running their own validator node. 

Furthermore, as the Ethereum ecosystem evolves, we can expect to see more SaaS providers offering innovative solutions to address the counterparty risk associated with using their services. We may see more providers offering insurance against slashing and other risks associated with staking.

While solo staking may offer higher staking rewards and full control over your validator node, SaaS will likely remain a popular option for many users who value convenience and mitigated risks.


What are the Fees for Staking-as-a-Service?

The fees for Staking-as-a-Service can vary depending on the provider. Generally, commissions between 2% to 5% are common, but it's important to note that each service provider may have different fees. It's always recommended to research and compare fees before choosing a provider to stake with.

Is Staking-as-a-Service Risky? 

When it comes to staking as a service, security is a crucial factor to consider. Generally, it's considered to be one of the safer ways to stake ETH, but it's important to note that security can vary depending on the provider. It's recommended to thoroughly research and choose a reputable provider to minimize any potential risks.

Can I Withdraw my Rewards?

Yes. When setting up a node via a Staking-as-a-Service provider, you will need to input a wallet for rewards. These rewards are accessible as long as you have access to the wallet. 

Is it Possible to get Slashed when Using Staking-as-a-Service? 

Yes, it is possible, yet unlikely.