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What is Ethereum Solo Staking? In-depth Guide

Jon Ganor
Jon Ganor
What is Ethereum Solo Staking? In-depth Guide
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  • Two primary methods for staking Ethereum: solo staking and liquid staking.

  • Solo staking involves running a validator node, staking at least 32 ETH, and actively participating in block creation and validation.

  • Solo stakers have greater control over the process but face higher technical requirements, risks, and responsibilities.

  • Liquid staking offers a simpler alternative, where users receive tradable tokens representing their staked ETH.

  • The choice between solo, staking as a service and liquid staking depends on individual circumstances and preferences.


In our previous chapter, we discussed the pros and cons of ETH staking. In this chapter, we will analyze the popular staking method known as “Solo Staking” and compare it to other methods of Ethereum staking. By doing so, we hope to provide stakers with accurate advice so they can select the best staking option for their scenario.

An Introduction to Ethereum Staking

Ethereum, the world's leading smart contract platform, embarked on a groundbreaking journey by transitioning from the energy-intensive Proof-of-Work consensus mechanism to the more eco-friendly Proof-of-Stake. This monumental shift was completed on September 15, 2022, marking a significant milestone in the evolution of the blockchain.

Proof-of-Stake introduces a new way to secure and validate transactions on the Ethereum network. Instead of miners competing through computational power, validators are chosen to create new blocks and validate transactions based on the amount of cryptocurrency they "stake" or lock up as collateral. This transition reduces Ethereum's energy consumption and enhances its scalability and security.

There are two primary methods for staking Ethereum: solo staking and liquid staking

What is Solo Staking?

Solo staking involves users locking up their ETH in a node to participate in the network's consensus process. While this offers the highest degree of control and security, it requires technical expertise and significant resources.

How Does Solo Staking Work?

To become a solo validator, you need to set up and maintain your Ethereum 2.0 validator node. This involves running specialized software and maintaining a 24/7 online connection to the Ethereum network.

Validators are required to stake a minimum amount of 32 ETH as collateral to participate in the network. This collateral acts as a security deposit and helps ensure validators follow the rules; otherwise, they risk losing a portion of their staked ETH.

Validators take turns proposing and validating blocks of transactions on the Ethereum network. The probability of being selected to create a block is proportional to the amount of ETH staked. Validators are rewarded with ETH for their efforts, including transaction fees and a portion of newly created ETH.

As part of Ethereum's incentives, validators are rewarded for adhering to its rules and maintaining high uptime. Violations or downtime can result in penalties, including the loss of a portion of the staked ETH. However, validators are also rewarded with additional ETH for their role in securing the network.

Considerations Before Choosing Solo Staking

Solo staking requires technical expertise, significant resources, and a deep understanding of the Ethereum network. While it offers greater control and potentially higher ETH staking rewards, it also carries higher risks and responsibilities compared to other staking methods like pool staking or liquid staking.

Overall, solo Ethereum staking is a good option for users who are willing to put in the time and effort to learn how to run a full node and who are comfortable with the risks involved. However, it is not the best option for everyone. Users who are new to staking or who do not have the technical expertise may want to consider using a staking-as-a-service provider.

Solo Staking vs. Liquid Staking vs. Stacking-as-a-Service

Solo staking empowers users with full autonomy and control over their staked ETH. It means actively managing a validator node, taking decisions, and implementing changes independently. Solo staking often promises higher rewards, as validators receive rewards directly without sharing them with any intermediaries. However, it comes with a steeper learning curve and substantial technical responsibilities. Security is a primary concern; any lapses could jeopardize the staked ETH.

Liquid staking simplifies the process for a broader audience. It doesn't require users to manage a validator node, making it accessible to those with limited technical expertise. In return for staking their ETH, users receive tradable tokens representing their stake, such as hETH. These tokens can be utilized in DeFi protocols or traded on exchanges, offering liquidity to users. However, liquid staking generally tends to offer slightly lower rewards due to shared rewards and potential fees associated with the platform.

Staking-as-a-service bridges the gap between solo staking and liquid staking. Here, users stake their 32 ETH but delegate node operations to a trusted third-party operator. The operator handles the technical aspects, including key generation, deposit, and node management, usually for a monthly fee. 

While it doesn't provide a liquid token, it simplifies the process and reduces technical barriers, making it accessible to users with less technical expertise. Stakers maintain full control over their funds and validator keys, ensuring non-custodial security. SaaS is an attractive choice for those who want to participate in staking but prefer a more user-friendly approach and are willing to pay a fee for professional management.


ETH solo staking and liquid staking are two sides of the same coin, each tailored to specific needs and preferences within the Ethereum staking ecosystem.

Solo staking shines as the choice for "whales" and technically proficient individuals who want maximum control and can handle the complexities of managing a validator node. It offers the promise of higher rewards, yet it comes at the cost of heightened risk and technical demands.

On the other hand, liquid staking stands out as a more user-friendly option, catering to individuals with smaller holdings and those less versed in the technical nuances of staking. It provides accessibility and liquidity, allowing users to harness their staked ETH in various DeFi applications or easily trade it on exchanges. While the rewards might be slightly lower due to shared incentives and potential platform fees, the simplicity and convenience it offers make it an attractive choice.

Ultimately, the decision between solo and liquid staking hinges on individual circumstances, risk tolerance, and objectives. Both methods are valuable components of Ethereum's staking ecosystem, catering to a diverse community of participants with varying needs and resources.


Is Solo Staking Safe?

Solo staking can be safe if proper security measures are in place and the staker has the technical expertise to effectively manage a validator node. The safety of solo staking depends on several various factors.

What is Slashing? 

Slashing is a penalty mechanism used in blockchain networks, particularly in Proof-of-Stake and Delegated Proof-of-Stake consensus algorithms. Its primary purpose is to discourage malicious or negligent behavior by network validators or stakers. Slashing involves the confiscation or "slashing" of a portion of a validator's or staker's cryptocurrency holdings as a punishment for violating network rules or acting against the network's best interests.

How to Prevent Slashing in Staking?

Preventing slashing involves a combination of technical diligence and responsible behavior. Validators or stakers must ensure their nodes remain online and reliable, promptly update node software, and implement robust security measures to safeguard against attacks. Regular monitoring of the node's status is essential to address any issues that may arise quickly.

Understanding and adhering to network-specific rules, avoiding double signing, and maintaining sufficient collateral are key factors in preventing slashing. Responsible participation, refraining from activities like voting manipulation or collusion in DPoS networks, and staying informed about network developments can help.

Can I Withdraw My Solo Staking Rewards? 

Yes, you can withdraw your solo staking rewards. Rewards payments of excess balance over 32 ETH will automatically be sent to the withdrawal address you’ve set when deploying a validator. Make sure that you have set a withdrawal address that you have access to. This can be done using the ethclient command line tool.

What is the Yield of ETH Solo Staking?

The APR for ETH solo staking typically depends on the total amount of ETH staked in the network and network activity. In Ethereum, the annual rewards rate for solo stakers could vary but was estimated to be around 3% to 5% or even higher, depending on network conditions.

Can you Earn a Passive Income from Staking?

Yes but the amount of passive income you can earn from staking depends on a number of factors. These factors include the amount you stake, and the staking rewards offered. Staking can be a relatively low-risk way to earn a passive income from your cryptocurrency holdings.