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Hord Smart Contracts Sent for Audit

Hord Team
Hord Team
Hord Smart Contracts Sent for Audit
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Today marks an important milestone for Hord.App. Our developers have sent the smart contracts over to Certik to get a certified security audit of the protocol. We are extremely proud of our developers and are certain that Certik will be surprised by the quality of our work. We’d like to thank everyone who has been with us on this journey for their continued support. The real fun is only starting now. Get ready for the launch of the best portfolio management platform in crypto with Hord.App.

What is a security audit?

Security audits have become a necessary tool in the arsenal of every blockchain-based project when it comes to securing their protocol and, more importantly, their user’s funds.

With a TVL (Total Value Locked) of almost $270 billion dollars in DeFi at the time of writing it is most essential for every serious player to have their security in absolute top shape before the launch of their platform.

At Hord, we take security very seriously and so we employ best practices across the board within our organisation. However, after working on your code for months, things might slip up. This is why professional auditors will do everything they can to find vulnerabilities in the code and exploit them. This allows for the vulnerabilities to be fixed, which means hackers will be unable to steal funds.

Why do we choose Certik?

The Certik team has conducted 250+ audits across all major protocols and is trusted as the recommended blockchain and smart contract audit provider by top exchanges like Binance, OKEx, and Huobi.

With every successful audit, they provide projects with a listing on the CertiK Security Leaderboard that is shared publicly with the entire blockchain community. The Leaderboard contains the details of projects alongside their audit reports, as well as the community’s security sentiment of the project. Let’s see where Hord ends up!

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Website: Hord.App