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Hord Officially Launches Early Adopters Program

Hord Team
Hord Team
Hord Officially Launches Early Adopters Program
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Hord’s Public Launch & Early Adopters Program

We are pleased to announce the public launch of Hord, a liquid ETH Staking platform. Hord provides a convenient and profitable solution for ETH staking with an attractive early adopters program. To participate in the program, join Hord’s GALXE campaign.

During this exciting period, we are thrilled to offer stakers an unmatched boosted APR on ETH, surpassing rival platforms. 

But that's not all! As an early adopter, you will also receive an exclusive airdrop of HORD tokens to those participating in the Hord GALXE campaign and ranking high on the leaderboard. HORD tokens are a small market-cap gem with significant growth potential, making this opportunity even more enticing.

The more you stake, the greater your potential rewards!

Stay tuned for the upcoming launch of our platform governance, where HORD tokens will play a crucial role. As a holder, you'll have a say in shaping the future of Hord.

Seize this opportunity to enjoy the boosted APR, HORD token airdrop, and be part of the Hord community's exciting journey.

Here's how the Early Adopters Program works:

  1. Stake ETH with Hord to receive hETH, representing your staked assets.
  2. The hETH tokens can be traded for ETH on popular decentralized exchanges like Uniswap.
  3. A snapshot of the GALXE campaign will be taken to determine the eligible participants.
  4. Early adopters will receive a boosted APR and an airdrop of HORD tokens, enhancing their governance rights and voting power.
  5. HORD tokens are integral to influencing the platform's direction and decisions, ensuring the early adopters play a significant role in shaping Hord's future.

The Bottom Line

Join Hord's Early Adopters Program today to stake your ETH, earn rewards, and actively contribute to the platform's growth and development. Don't miss this exclusive opportunity to be part of the future of Ethereum staking with Hord.




